Autoryzacja użytkowników Internetu

Internet users authorization

The WiFi Manager module is a modern solution of the OtelMS system for wireless networks, the advertising and analytical capabilities of which allow you to effectively work with the target audience.
Simple identification of users by pin-code (issued upon check-in or during their stay) at one of the points of the system provides automatic “recognition” and identification of the guest in the future. Additional services, working with such customer data as, for example, profiles on social networks, provide effective targeting of advertising on the Internet, analysis of the opinions of the target audience, and obtaining reliable feedback.
In addition, only your guests-residents of the accommodation facility will be able to use the network, which will ensure a high-quality, non-congested Internet connection. The WiFi Manager module is compatible with all modern networks, has the ability to control, monitor and administer points.
The data of guests and employees is processed and stored by the system, in compliance with all legal requirements for the storage of personal information.

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